Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Group paper day

Breakfast: Oatmeal bar, coffee, banan for a snack later in morning

Lunch: 8 oz frozen lunch, yogurt for snack if hungry

Dinner: Homework

Exercise: Lower body morning workout (13/14)

Notes: I cracked out last night on fritos & tater tots. Just admiting that is what my dinner consisted of makes me shake my head and laugh. One thing to take from this is that I don't resist chips well when they are in the house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the past 5 years (well, from when I started WW) I realized that I had to leave "trigger" foods out of my apartment. Chips were one, even though I'm not a big chip fan. If I crave them, I'll stop at Sheetz and get a small bag of them, that way I'm not over indulging and feeling guilty later. That's why they're rarely in my apartment.

It's hard to sit down and realize what some of your favorite foods are that you can't resist. But by keeping them out of the house you'll be more successful. Like now, instead of buying the 1/2 gallon of ice cream, I buy a pint size. I scold myself for eating it in one sitting, but I know I can't go back the next day (or in 5 minutes) and eat more because it's gone.