Thursday, September 21, 2006


Breakfast: Blueberry Scone, Coffee, really really strong coffee, I'm wired!

Lunch: 6" turkey on wheat w/ lettuce, tomato, banana peppers, cheese, oil & vinager

Dinner: ??

Exercise: Morning workout, stretching & lifting (10/14)

Notes: I remembered to weigh in! Weight = 258.0 lbs. I'm actually OK with that for now cuz I was 260 all week. I haven'y beet in the 260's for a while and that really pissed me off and set my diet plan back on track.


Anonymous said...

Yeah - we're not allowed to hit 260 again!!!! You've worked too hard and come too far!!

Get one of the 6 grams or less subs from Subway! No chips! :)

Mark said...

Will do!