Monday, February 13, 2012


This morning I had a sick wife and a baby that needed taken care of and I had to get to work. Now, I’m not the cliché Dad…I’m no stranger to diapers, wet and solid, I feed the baby, clean up spit up disasters, put her to bed, and play with her all the time. But to be very truthful, the baby’s Mom, my beautiful wife, takes care of the lion’s share of the work.

I had to do this all myself today, and I would like to apologize to and thank my wife. Every day, you do most of this without panic, and get everyone moving with grace. Even while I was sick all weekend, you kept the house moving and the kid happy and fed. Not sure where you get the ability to do it all, but you are aces in the Mom department. Our baby girl is lucky to have you for a Mom. I am lucky to have you for a wife. I hope I provided a bit of entertainment this morning while you listened in on my late for work, get crying baby ready, walk the dog panic filled morning, you deserve it. I love you.

Hope you feel better soon!

1 comment:

Jenn McDonough said...

I haven't checked your blog in a while and just saw this. You did provide some entertainment that morning. Thank you for handling it all that day, it was nice to be able to keep sleeping with how sick I was.